404 Scholarship Application Page
ChooseATL, Atlanta Influences Everything and Butter.Atl teamed up to launch the inaugural 404 Day Scholarship to help close the financial gap impeding graduation for students of color. The scholarship was launched to provide aid to Atlanta University Center Consortium (AUCC) undergraduate seniors in need of financial assistance to finish their educational journey. In partnership with the Atlanta University Center Consortium, the scholarship is a bridge to welcoming diverse talent into Atlanta’s candidate market. Although not a requirement, it is our hope that these students will seek post-graduation employment in Atlanta and continue to share their talents with our region. To apply students must fulfill the following requirements:
- Must attend an AUC Consortium institution
- Open to undergraduate students only.
- Must be a graduating senior year the semester of application
- Must have a balance this scholarship will allow the applicant to graduate
- Must have a 3.0 GPA or higher
- Must provide an unofficial transcript for verification of GPA
- Must meet the AUCC’s program requirements
- Must provide financial ledger showing outstanding financial balance, not exceeding $4000 per student.
- Once chosen, student must be willing to submit a quote and headshot for potential media use.
Students with any questions should submit them to ssewell@aucenter.edu
DEADLINE: Friday, April 29, 2022
The AUCC will identify, select and distribute funds to students that meet the above requirements.