AUCC’S Washington Named to U.S. Census Scientific Advisory Committee

Atlanta – AMS member &  director of the Atlanta University Center Data Science Initiative Talitha Washington has been named to the Census Scientific Advisory Committee (CSAC), which provides recommendations on the design and implementation of U.S. Census Bureau programs and surveys. She will serve a three-year term.

Washington is also lead principal investigator, of NSF National Data Science Alliance, Clark Atlanta University. She is a tenured professor of mathematics at Clark Atlanta and affiliate faculty at Morehouse College, Morehouse School of Medicine, and Spelman College. Her research interests include applied mathematics, dynamical systems, nonstandard finite difference schemes, data science, artificial intelligence, and education.

“I look forward to sharing my scientific perspectives to help guide surveys and major programs at the Census Bureau,” Washington said. “Serving on the CSAC provides a unique opportunity for me to give back nationally by addressing emerging census challenges that impact us all.”

Appointed by the director of the Census Bureau, the CSAC consists of a chair and 20 members from academia, private enterprise, professional associations, and nonprofit organizations, which are further differentiated by business type or industry, geographic area, and other variables.

“The members advise the Census Bureau director on the uses of scientific developments in statistical data collection, survey methodology, geospatial and statistical analysis, econometrics, cognitive psychology, business operations and computer science as they pertain to the full range of Census Bureau programs and activities, including census tests, policies, and operations,” according to the Census Bureau.

“The diverse background of the membership provides for a range of perspectives and points of view that are both relevant and critical to the Census Bureau’s decennial and nondecennial program areas.”

A former AMS Council member, Washington is a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (AMS), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM), which she also serves as president.

Contact: AMS Communications

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