Kenzy Scott

Program Coordinator of Industry Engagement

The AUC Data Science Initiative (DSI)
Atlanta University Center Consortium

Kenzy Scott is originally from Boston, Massachusetts, and received her Bachelor’s in Political Science from the University of Massachusetts Lowell. During her time at UMass Lowell, Ms. Scott held internships at the Sindhi American Political Action Committee in Washington, D.C., and Representative Hank Johnson’s Office on Capitol Hill. Additionally, she served as the President of the Black Student Union and was awarded the Chancellor Medal for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in 2022.

While pursuing her Master’s in Public Administration at Clark Atlanta University, Kenzy Scott worked in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the University of Michigan. She also served as a career and development coordinator for Clark Atlanta University in their Career and Professional Development Office. While at Clark Atlanta, she researched Perceptions of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs at the University of Michigan. She gained insights into predominantly white institutions in higher education.
Kenzy Scott is not new to the AUC Data Science Initiative. In the summer of 2023, she took advantage of DSI workshops. She obtained certificates and badges in Data Science: R Basics, Data Science Initiative R Academy II Badge, Library Data Analysis with Carpentries Badge, Teaching and Learning with SAS badge, and Getting Started with SAS studio badge. She was interested in working for the AUC Data Science Initiative to be a part of groundbreaking work introducing data science skills, career development, and career opportunities across HBCUs.

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