The Atlanta University Center Consortium Student Health & Wellness Center provides quality healthcare services to all students at the Atlanta University Center to ensure the health and wellbeing of all students in our community. Based on current COVID-19 trends, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is planning for the federal Public Health Emergency (PHE) for COVID-19 to end on May 11, 2023.
We want to share what this means for AUC campuses:
- There will continue to be vaccine mandates for Fall 2023/Spring 2024 for all incoming students and they must be fully vaccinated. COVID-19 vaccines, tests, and treatments authorized under any emergency use authorization (EUA) are expected to remain available without interruption. This requires all students & summer program participates to be up to date with COVID-19 vaccination, including booster shots. This also requires all faculty & staff to be up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations including booster shots.
- We will pause surveillance testing to preserve testing supplies, test kits are available at student health center, however there will no longer be random testing for students, faculty, and staff or those visiting campus.
- We will continue to monitor the campuses, broader community, and hospitalization data to determine the appropriate prevention strategies and recommendations.
Student Insurance
- Under the Public Health Emergency (PHE) private insurance companies were required to cover the cost of COVID-19 vaccines and lab tests without cost. While this requirement will end on May 11, many private insurance plans may continue offering COVID-19 vaccines at no cost. COVID-19 lab tests ordered by a provider will still be considered an essential health benefit under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but private insurers will implement co-pay and coverage limitations (e.g., only through in-network providers). Students should check with their health insurer.
- For Medicaid, due to the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), states must provide Medicaid coverage, without cost, for COVID-19 vaccinations, testing, and treatments one year after the last day of the COVID-19 PHE. The COVID-19 PHE ends on May 11, 2023, this coverage requirement will end on September 30, 2024.
- For additional insurance related questions or concerns please visit Frequently Asked Questions here
Campus Visitors
- Visitors may unmask if they are up to date on COVID-19 vaccines.
- Unvaccinated visitors should consider wearing a mask during visits to AUC campuses.
- If you are symptomatic, please consider our community before coming onsite.
The end of the PHE is not the end of COVID-19 and its impact on our campuses. We will continue to work collaboratively with the AUCC Student Health & Wellness Center, the Georgia Department of Public Health and the Center for Disease Control. For more information about the services of the Student Health & Wellness Center, please visit

Atlanta University Center Consortium institutions are committed to fostering a safe and engaging educational and living environment as the nation continues to address the COVID-19 pandemic.
FALL 2022 Return to Campus Protocols for Students
COVID-19 Student Onboarding: Expectations, Testing and Monitoring, Isolation & Quarantine, & Contact Tracing
Learn about AUCC health and safety protocols including:
- COVID-19 testing (pre-arrival testing, day of arrival testing, and frequent surveillance testing)
- Isolation and quarantine processes
- Contact tracing

FALL 2022 Return to Campus Protocols for Employees
Learn about AUCC COVID-19 protocols for employees including:
- Pre-Arrival Testing Requirement
- Pre-Arrival Vaccine and Booster Requirement
- Pre-Arrival Self-Monitoring
- COVID-19 Testing Frequency
- Isolation/Quarantine Procedures
- COVID-19 Campus Alert System
AUCC Covid-19 Dashboard

Student Safe Start Training
A special guide to help students understand how to stay healthy and protect the safety of others.
Take the training to understand:
- Basics of COVID-19 and transmission
- Prevention
- Testing
- Symptoms
- Quarantine and Isolation
- Contact Tracing
- Managing Anxiety and Stress
The Responsibility Pledge
Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to take a pledge to do their part to keep themselves and the AUC community healthy and safe.
Clark Atlanta University, Morehouse College, And Spelman College Provide Guidance To Students And Families For Limited Spring In-person Instruction And Campus Residency
December 2020 Note To Students
COVID-19 Resources